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Abstrak – Harta Mafqud


Seseorang yang mafqud hendaklah dipelihara haknya menurut hukum syarak sama ada hak dalam kekeluargaan Islam atau hak dalam pewarisan harta pusaka. Mafqud ialah seseorang yang telah hilang atau ghaib tanpa diketahui keadaanya sama ada masih hidup atau telah meninggal dunia dalam tempoh yang lama menurut hukum syarak. Isteri kepada mafqud tidak boleh dikahwini dan hartanya tidak boleh dipusakai serta hak-haknya hendaklah dipelihara sehingga jelas kedudukannya sama ada masih hidup atau telah meninggal dunia. Kuasa untuk menentukan dan membuat keputusan sama ada mafqud masih hidup atau telah meninggal dunia adalah Mahkamah Tinggi Sivil dengan berpandukan kepada bukti-bukti dan penyiasatan serta tamat tempoh menunggu menurut fuqaha’. Walaubagaimanapun, perintah anggapan mati yang dikeluarkan oleh Mahkamah Syariah tidak boleh digunakan di Mahkamah Sivil bagi tujuan mendapatkan surat kuasa mentadbir harta dan melibatkan permohonan di Unit Pusaka Kecil (UPP). Kajian ini bertujuan bagi mengetahui prosedur  pelaksanaan agihan harta kepada mafqud di Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tanah dan Galian (JKPTG) Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Ia menyentuh mengenai pelaksanaan pengagihan harta kepada mafqud di bawah satu unit dalam JKPTG Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur iaitu Unit Pembahagian Pusaka Kecil (UPP) serta penilaian keberkesanan kaedah yang digunakan dalam mengagihkan harta tersebut. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam merealisasikan kajian ini ialah pendekatan perpustakaan dan temubual serta pemerhatian terhadap pelaksanaan pengagihan yang dilaksanakan. Hasil daripada dapatan kajian, Penulis mendapati tuntutan harta pusaka berkaitan harta mafqud merupakan tuntutan terpencil yang berlaku dalam permohonan tuntutan harta pusaka kecil di unit ini. Tuntutan harta pusaka kecil yang sering berlaku hanyalah berkaitan dengan waris atau pewaris yang sudah dikenalpasti status dan kedudukannya dalam agihan harta tersebut dan sekiranya tidak dapat dikenalpasti, satu perintah Anggapan Kematian akan dikeluarkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Sivil jika waris memohon untuk perintah tersebut dikeluarkan. Namun begitu, kajian yang proaktif masih lagi diperlukan bagi mengetahui kaedah yang paling berkesan dalam pelaksanaan agihan harta mafqud berdasarkan lambakan harta mafqud dalam realiti semasa.


A mafqud’s rights, either regarding family matters or rights of inheritance must be preserved according to Islamic law. Mafqud is someone who has gone unnoticed or unseen in any cases, whether still alive or not within a certain period of time stated in hukum syara’. Mafqud’s wife is not allowed to get married and also inherit property of the mafqud until a clear status of him has been declared. A jurisdiction to determine and decide whether mafqud still alive or died is the High Court by presumption of death with reference to the evidence and the investigation and expiry of the waiting period according to jurists. Nevertheless, any presumption of death issued by the Syariah Court cannot be used in Civil Court for the purpose of obtaining letters of administration of property and involves the application of Small Estate Unit (UPP). This study aims to find out the current procedures used to distribute a mafqud’s property in Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (JKPTG) Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. The writer also highlights the implementation of the distribution of mafqud’s property in Small Estate Distribution Unit (UPP) JKPTG Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur as well as evaluating the effectiveness of methods that had been used in distributing these properties. Three methodologies had been applied for this study; by referencing cases from variety of libraries, interviewed and collecting related information from trusted stake holders and by observing the enforcement conducted on the implementation of distribution. As a result, authors found that claims relating to mafqud’s inheritance property are an isolated claim that occurs in small inheritance claims application in this unit. Small estate claims that often occurs only with heirs or successors who have identified their status and position in the distribution of property and if had the cases which is not to be identified, an order Presumption of Death will be released by the Civil High Court if the beneficiaries to apply for an order is issued. Therefore, there is a need to study for a better and practical method to distribute the property of a mafqud in the future.

Nota : Supervisor final year project ini ; Prof. Madya Dr. Siti Mashitoh Mahamood.

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I got this!



Starting from 1st of July 2013, i am pupils in chamber at Nor Aziah Diana & Co. Thanks to Allah for this kind of opportunity that have been given to me. I had attend an interview on early of April 2013 and the result was makes me shock! Errr, is it shock is correct word for me to use here :p hahaha. Lol. Apepun, Alhamdulillah. So lets focus on my final year project.

*pls ignore the grammatical error, i am newbie :p*

xoxo 😉